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(03/17/25 8:30pm)
The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization at Miami University held Israeli Apartheid Week from March 10 to 15. The week focused on fostering a sense of community among attendees, as well as voicing their pro-Palestine efforts.
(03/15/25 2:00pm)
Graduation season is right around the corner, which means it is time to say goodbye to Miami University. Seniors will have their last exam, last dinner with their friends and last class with their favorite professor. They’ll walk across the stage to receive their diploma.
(03/09/25 12:36pm)
Miami University students and professors, as well as Oxford community members participated in the national Stand Up for Science rally at the Oxford Memorial Park on March 7.
(03/02/25 11:00am)
Imagine yourself as a child, and you just found out your favorite book is no longer available in the school library–taken off the shelf by adults who deemed it inappropriate for you.
(02/19/25 3:00pm)
From the moment Amity Noltemeyer became a graduate student at Miami University, she felt a strong love for the community that always welcomed and supported her. After graduate school, she worked as a school psychologist in Northeast Ohio. After receiving her doctoral degree and finally returning to Miami as a faculty member, she was confident she could help the university reach its full potential.
(11/23/24 3:00pm)
Most days, Jessica Rivera is busy teaching one-on-one voice lessons, attending meetings with music department faculty and helping prospective students learn about the music program at Miami University.
(11/23/24 11:00am)
These stories were made by students for their JRN 101H class. They are reported stories about the lives of other students on campus.
(11/05/24 11:00am)
Being a woman in sports, whether as a fan or as a player, is unnecessarily difficult. Women face an entirely different treatment than men, in unequal pay and training, fan merchandise and acceptance as a sports fan or player.
(09/24/24 4:00pm)
Carol Anderson, a graduate of Miami University, a historian, author and educator at Emory University received this year’s Freedom Summer Award. Miami University created the award to honor and recognize champions of civil rights, social justice and equality, according to its website.
(09/22/24 12:00pm)
Every Monday during the school year, Gavin Boling, a nine-year-old student at Kramer Elementary, stays after school for an extra couple hours.