Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

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Miami strives to fit new arena in 2040 neutrality goals, details yet to be confirmed

(03/16/25 10:00am)

Miami University’s Board of Trustees approved Cook Field as the site for a potential new arena to replace Millett Hall, which could bring vast change to Miami’s campus – both in appearance and functionality. This decision also raises questions about how Miami can execute these changes while staying committed to sustainability, specifically to its 2040 carbon neutrality goal. 

Bizarre Butler County: amateur ghost hunters explore rural Ohio’s occult

(10/31/24 11:00am)

Established in 1803, Butler County, Ohio is home to numerous urban legends and ghost stories. From regional myths such as the Loveland Frog Man to the 1953 disappearance of Ron Tammen from a Miami University dorm, there is no shortage of tales worthy of sharing over your next bonfire.

Ruder Preserve’s new and accessible boardwalk is ready for the public

(09/20/24 10:00am)

Every morning since May 2023, three retired Miami University professors have spent their mornings in the woods constructing the newest section of a boardwalk, more than 1,000 feet long. Apart from a four-month break in the winter, this routine has been consistent. They expect to see it finished by this year’s Hikeathon on Sept. 21. 

New donations help Karl E. Limper Geology Museum support undergraduate learning

(05/04/24 10:00am)

Since its establishment in 1968, the Karl E. Limper Geology Museum has sought to support the learning of geology for undergraduate students at Miami University. Located on the first floor of Shideler Hall, the museum appeals to those passing by with dazzling mineral and rock specimens, maps and fossils behind glass windows.