Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

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Spring semester start-stop-keep for Miami students

(03/03/25 8:15pm)

Congratulations Miami students, if you’re reading this then you’ve officially survived for a full month of the spring semester. To be quite frank (which can be difficult given that my name is not Frank) I wasn’t sure we’d make it this far. But here we are, so, I figured it would be a great idea to have a little check-in and chat with everyone about some things we have to start, stop, and keep doing as Miami students.  

A guide to getting a Valentine before Feb. 14

(02/07/25 5:00am)

Suppose you’re like us, then you’ve come to realize that there’s a very real chance that you might go all four years without meeting your Miami Merger, or even a Tinder talking stage (aside from the time we got catfished by the people at Hate and Dishonor). Things have gotten so bad that the two of us have resorted to frequent cuddling and have a plan to get married (for tax purposes, we promise).

The ultimate dad-joke response guide

(09/13/24 4:00pm)

Some of you may not know, but there’s an underground club not present at Mega Fair known as Miami University Middle-Aged Men Appreciation Club, MUMAM for short. I was recently able to infiltrate said underground club and gained some absolute PEARLS of wisdom. So without further ado, here are some of the best dad jokes that I heard while present, and a guide for when to use them. 

Sightseeing for ‘Make it Miami’ Students

(04/08/24 11:00am)

Do you remember driving into Oxford on an incredibly crowded day, struggling to find a campus parking deck and taking your exhausted self into Armstrong to begin the greatest of days: Make it Miami. We remember it vividly – little red tote bags, paper pamphlets that we never read, and a realization that Miami University was the place for us (it was the only school we got into, and we got waitlisted at that). But, we have learned since becoming full-time students that there were a lot of things we missed. Here are some sights that ‘Make it Miami’ students should look out for. 

Investigative Reporting: Why Starbucks Introduced the Pumpkin Spice Latte

(10/26/23 9:00pm)

Back in 2003, Starbucks introduced its first-ever pumpkin spice latte. While unknown at the time, this tasty twist would create the modern-day frenzy of ferociously feral and freakishly fanatical fangirls who post count-downs on their Instagram stories for the annual de-stemmed, sunset-colored, orange gourd coffee.