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(04/25/17 9:00am)
Earlier today, around the time that I realized I needed to write a column for this week, I stumbled upon a column titled "It's time to see through Miami's typical body image," that was published a few days back. As the title suggests, this article is a critique of Miami's social culture-more specifically, the social culture that Miami's female student population partakes in.
(04/04/17 9:00am)
A mere few weeks ago on the holiest 24 hours of the academic year (Green Beer Day, in case you needed clarification), I joined a group of green-dyed, shamrock-clad 20-somethings in a mass exodus down a back alley, strolling quite leisurely to the nearest OPD-free party, a task that required nothing more than checking a file saved in my phone under the name "Green Beer Day Party Schedule."