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Associated Student Government president and vice president candidates debate ahead of election

(03/14/25 12:00pm)

Two candidates for Associated Student Government president and vice president debated key campus issues, including the arena project on Cook Field and the potential impacts of Senate Bill 1 (S.B. 1), in the Fritz Pavillion in Armstrong Student Center on March 11.

7 ways to support your mental health as the semester draws to a close

(11/22/24 1:00pm)

For many students, the weeks between Thanksgiving break and J-Term can be the longest of the semester. Students break out of their academic routine and default back to their lives at home. As students barrel towards the finish line, they are met with final exams, projects and essays. Here are seven ways to prioritize your mental health to end the semester strong. 

JANUS Forum panelists discuss upcoming election, future of the two-party system

(10/20/24 9:53pm)

Twice a year, the JANUS Forum brings two panelists from opposite sides of the political spectrum to Miami University’s campus to discuss a topic relevant to students and the broader community. This semester, the organization brought two former members of the U.S. House of Representatives, Susan Brooks and Stephanie Murphy, to speak on the future of the two-party system.

Miami dining representatives speak to ASG senators about Chartwell transition, special election for Secretary of the Treasury announced

(10/17/24 1:00pm)

During the Oct. 15 Associated Student Government meeting, representatives from Miami Dining spoke to senators about the student and parent feedback and the transition from Aramark to Chartwell.

‘Shark Tank’ star Kevin O’Leary, ‘Mr. Wonderful,’ addresses packed audience during Anderson Distinguished Lecture series

(10/03/24 4:00pm)

On the evening of Oct. 1, students, faculty and community members gathered at Millett Hall to hear “Shark Tank” star and entrepreneur Kevin O’Leary’s lecture on the importance of diversification, the long-term effects of a global pandemic on business and how to be a successful leader.

Miami Family Weekend: Options when Oxford hotels are full

(09/14/24 2:00pm)

Every fall, families descend upon Oxford to visit their Miami University students. This years falls on October 18-20.  Parents follow their kids to Brick Street and attend events put on by the university – this year, Sal Vulcano will be visiting campus. No matter the activity your family chooses, there is one common challenge: finding housing.