Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Gratitude, not saditude

Teddy Johnson cheesing with an adorable kitten.
Teddy Johnson cheesing with an adorable kitten.

In the past three years as humor editor, I have had so much to be grateful for. I’m sad my time is nearing its end, but I want to end my tenure by spreading some gratitude to those who have made my time with The Miami Student what it is.

I’m grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of this organization for all four years. I don’t think I would have stayed all four years at Miami University if it weren’t for this silly little paper.

I’m grateful for this last year with Kasey Turman at the helm of The Student – it’s been the best one yet.

I’m grateful for TMS merging with GreenHawks, introducing me to my lifelong hiking buddy, Sam Norton.

I’m grateful for my TMS trips to New York City and Washington, D.C., which were some of the most memorable experiences of my life.

I’m grateful for former Co-Humor Editor Patrick Sullivan for being the perfect partner-in-crime and running the humor section with me for two years.

I’m grateful for the friends from TMS I’ve made along the way. The parties, the trips and the hours stuck in the newsroom are all memories I wouldn’t trade for the world.

I’m grateful for Shannon Mahoney, Michael Pattee and Connor Oviatt for writing for the humor section so often!

I’m grateful that the newspaper is in the more-than-capable hands of Anna Reier and Livi Patel. There is no one better suited to run The Miami Student than these two. 

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