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Letter to the Editor: Still standing with our students, saying “NO” to S.B. 1/H. B. 6 and other anti-DEI efforts

S.B. 1, if passed, would go after programs supporting DEI and LGBTQ+ resources in higher education institutions in Ohio.
S.B. 1, if passed, would go after programs supporting DEI and LGBTQ+ resources in higher education institutions in Ohio.

Back in the spring of 2022, more than 250 Miami University faculty, staff and graduate students signed on to a Letter to the Editor to The Miami Student titled: “In Standing With our LGBTQ Community, Anti-LGBTQ Legislation Has No Place Here.”

Three years later, we are again speaking out to let all of our students – especially those with LGBTQ+, racially minoritized and otherwise historically marginalized identities – know that we continue to stand with them.

Recently enacted and proposed legislation and directives at the state and federal levels, including Ohio’s Senate Bill 1 (S.B. 1) and the U.S. Department of Education’s “Dear Colleague” letter, threaten to undermine our efforts to serve and support all of our students to the best of our abilities.

Both S.B. 1 and the Department of Education’s directive would drag us backward and do harm by prohibiting universities from promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) on campus and by penalizing institutions that aim to provide specific support for groups of students that historically have faced barriers to equitable college access and inclusion.

We will do everything in our power to continue to embrace, live out and advocate for our values of diversity, equity and inclusion as articulated in Miami’s Inclusive Excellence Statement. We remain dedicated to the knowledge that “a diverse academic community is among an institution’s greatest strengths” and that “a diverse and inclusive campus enhances the living, learning, and working environment for every student, staff, and faculty member.”

S.B. 1 passed the Ohio Senate on Feb. 12; its companion bill, H.B. 6, is expected to come up for a vote in the State House shortly. The U.S. Department of Education’s “Dear Colleague” letter was sent on Feb. 14 and gave institutions 14 days to meet its directives. Both threaten to withhold funding from institutions that don’t comply.

These state and federal mandates aim to attack Miami’s values of inclusive excellence. For example, both seek to “ban” diversity-related programming and scholarships that provide opportunities for historically underrepresented students.

They could imperil student diversity-related initiatives on campus, such as the Horizon Graduation Celebration and Lavender Graduation, even though both activities are free and open to all students at Miami. Indeed, these and other DEI-initiatives, as Dr. Shaun Harper said, “are not the racist, divisive, discriminatory, and anti-American activities that obstructionists erroneously claim.”

In response to the “Dear Colleague Letter” and a recently blocked federal executive order, legal and education scholar, Dr. Liliana Garces, advised colleges and universities to “pause … and limit any reaction.” In a recent memorandum, more than 35 law professors with expertise in areas such as anti-discrimination law, constitutional law and civil rights, urged university leaders “not to sacrifice essential and legally defensible DEI initiatives that help universities fulfill their most basic mission to pursue truth and knowledge for the common good.”

S.B. 1, however, may be the greater threat to Ohio institutions of higher education. Importantly, S.B. 1 is not yet law. But time is running out for students, faculty and staff to voice their opinions about the proposed anti-DEI and anti-union state legislation.

We urge members of Miami’s community to take action. As FAM, Miami’s union for faculty and librarians, recently stated: “We know that our strength comes from our solidarity, our commitment to one another, and our willingness to fight for what we deserve.”

To learn more about how to speak out about S.B. 1/H.B. 6, check out the resources and information provided by NASW Ohio, a comprehensive resource utilized by students, faculty and staff in the Department of Family Science and Social Work.

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We also stand in solidarity with student-led efforts at Miami – and other Ohio institutions of higher education such as the University of Cincinnati and The Ohio State University – to make their voices heard about these state and federal directives that directly impact and threaten their college experiences.

To learn more about relevant actions being planned by Miami students and student organizations, such as Ohio Student Association (OSA), Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society and Humanities Student Collective, follow this link.

The above statement is shared on behalf of the more than 280 concerned faculty and staff at Miami University listed below. The views shared in this statement are those of the listed individuals and do not represent the views of their departments or Miami University.

Kate Kuvalanka, Family Science and Social Work

Madelyn Detloff, English and GIC

Theresa Kulbaga, English and LLW

Joel Malin, Educational Leadership

Kenna Neitch, GIC

Bruce Drushel, Media, Journalism & Film

Kevin R. Bush, Educational Psychology and Family Science & Social Work

Adrienne Newman, Family Science & Social Work

Elisa Abes, Educational Leadership 

Leah Wasburn-Moses, Educational Psychology

Walt Vanderbush, Global & Intercultural Studies

Gillian Oakenfull, Marketing

Megan Kuykendoll, Family Science & Social Work

Katherine Batchelor, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry

Cathy Wagner, English 

Kathleen Knight-Abowitz, Educational Leadership

Veronica R. Barrios, Family Science and Social Work

Nichole J. Carr, Family Science and Social Work

Eric Melbye, English and LLW

Liz Wilson, Comparative Religion and GIC

Sydney Taylor, Biological Sciences

Natalie George, English and Biology

Cathie Grimm, GRAMELAC

Ann MacKenzie, Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry

Megan Gerhardt, Management

Ann Elizabeth Armstrong, Theatre

Cathy Moore, Family Science & Social Work

Donald A. Daiker, English

Callie Batts Maddox, Sport Leadership and Management

Pepper Stetler, Art History

Ron Becker, Media, Journalism & Film  

Martha Sapiro, Global & Intercultural Studies

Benjamin Sutcliffe, German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages

Monica C. Schneider, Political Science

Joe O’Neil, German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages

José Amador, Global and Intercultural Studies

Tomoyuki Yabe, German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages

Yvette R. Harris, Psychology  

Anne Whitesell, Political Science

James Bromley, English

Amanda Bentley Brymer, Environmental Science and Sustainability

Marcy Shieh, Political Science

Heidi McKee, English

Cole Holt, Psychology

Linh Dich, English and LLW

Erin E. Edwards, English

Chip Rogers, Athletics

Cassie Mings, Theatre

Jacqueline Daugherty, Western Program for Individualized Studies

James E. Porter, English and ETBD

Billy Simms, Western Program for Individualized Studies

Damon Scott, Geography and Global and Intercultural Studies

Laura Desmond, Global Initiatives

Mark Curnutte, Western Program for Individualized Studies 

John M. Jeep, German, Russian, and East Asian Languages and Cultures, Linguistics

Aaron Luebbe, Psychology

Amy Yousefi, Department of Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering

Vrinda Kalia, Psychology

Karthik Vishwanath, Physics

Heather Claypool, Psychology

Terri Messman, Psychology

Katie Johnson, English

Elizabeth Kiel, Psychology

Lauren Toben, Psychology 

Kathleen Kollman, Media, Journalism & Film and GIC

Allison Farrell, Psychology

Allen McConnell, Psychology

Marcia England, Geography

John Tassoni, English and LLW

Michele Simmons, English

Jen Sammons, English

Paul Flaspohler, Psychology

Robin Thomas, Psychology

Jennifer Cohen, Global and Intercultural Studies

Kevin Reuning, Political Science

Elliott Jardin, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Alina Hechler, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Morgan Bullard, Social and Behavioral Science 

Barb Ribbler, Psychology

Molly Moran, Emerging Technology in Business and Design

Tory Pearman, English and LLW

Robbyn Abbitt, Geography

Margaret Luongo, English

Kazue Harada, German, Russian, Asian & Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures 

Sherry House, College of Arts & Science

Deborah Lyons, French, Italian, and Classical Studies

Helen Sheumaker, History/Global and Intercultural Studies

Mary Jean Corbett, English

Bob Black, IT Services

Darwin Guevarra, Psychology

Tracey Hayes, College of Creative Arts, ETBD

Yasmin Jessa, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Beth Dietz, Psychology and Social and Behavioral Science

Eric Sheffield, Emerging Technology in Business and Design, Music

Rachel Hellgren, Emerging Technology in Business and Design

Brandy Jones, Family Science and Social Work 

Elena Jackson Albarrán, Global and Intercultural Studies/History

April Robles, Center for Career Exploration and Success

Cynthia Hoblitzell, Campus Services

Ashley Goos, Dance, Theatre

Juan Carlos L. Albarran, Global and Intercultural Studies

Vaishali Raval, Psychology

Rodney Coates, Global and Intercultural Studies

Wren Burks, Global and Intercultural Studies

Marly Wooster, Theatre

Darrel Davis, Educational Psychology

David Prytherch, Geography

Meghan Phadke, Teaching, Curriculum, & Educational Inquiry

Sarah Dumyahn, Environmental Science and Sustainability

Artie Kuhn, Emerging Technology in Business + Design

Geoffrey Long, Emerging Technology in Business + Design

Karen Zaino, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry

Amy Roberts, Family Science and Social Work

Hannah Brown, Family Science and Social Work

Érica Fernández, Educational Leadership 

Tim Kuykendoll, College of Arts & Science

H. Louise Davis, Interdisciplinary & Communication Studies, Global & Intercultural Studies

Keisuke Kimura, Interdisciplinary & Communication Studies

Zach Soulliard, Psychology

Jeff Kuznekoff, Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies

Ryan Steel, Sociology

Michael Evans, EDL/TCE/FSW

Kelli Rushek, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry

Briana von Mizener, Educational Psychology

Elizabeth Parsons, IT Services

Michelle Buchberger, Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies

Gabriele Bechtel, English

Samantha Scribner, Educational Leadership

John-Charles Duffy, Comparative Religion

Laurel Gilbert, Regional Academic Advising

Kylie Boyer, Regional Academic Advising 

Erica Campbell, Educational Leadership

Maria Potter, Global Initiatives

Brooke Spangler Cropenbaker, Psychology

Iris Patton, Regional Tutoring and Learning Center

Naaborle Sackeyfio, Global and Intercultural Studies

Cara Dillon, School Psychology

Emily Ball, Regionals Academic Advising

Bradford Egelston, Regional Math Specialist 

Amber Karkiewicz-Kastrup, Educational Psychology 

Keith Tuma, English

Beth Rimer, English

Brian D. Schultz, Curriculum Studies 

Tim Melley, English

Lisa Weems, Educational Leadership 

Jeffrey Wanko, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry

Matthew Siegel, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry

Taylor Fisher, Career Services and Professional Development

Dana Cox, Mathematics

Jane Keiser, Mathematics

Tammy Schwartz, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry

Lisa McLaughlin, Media, Journalism & Film and GIC

David Sholle, Media, Journalism & Film

Suzanne Harper, Mathematics 

Norm Krumpe, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Carlyn Kimiecik, Family Science and Social Work

Aaron Renner, Regional Technology Services 

Lindsay Sponsel, Regional Technology Services

Peggy Schubert, Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies

Kathy Lamb, Regional Tutoring and Learning Center 

Pete Ferris, IT Services

Joanna Kellog, IT Services

Jacob Robinson, Regional Technology Services

Kathy Youngkin, Global Initiatives

Nicole Crevar, English

Sarah Watt, Educational Psychology

Jennifer Hicks, Regional Libraries

Ivonne J Ortiz, Mathematics

Cricket Meehan, Psychology

Glenna Edwards, Psychology

Glenn J Chundrlek, IT Services

Sarah Broome, English

Sharita Massie, IT Services

Jessica Muhlenkamp, Psychology 

Evelyn Harvey, 1809 LGBTQ+ Alumni Board Member

Katherine Fowler-Córdova, Spanish and Portuguese

Tamise Ironstrack, Spanish and Portuguese 

Stephen Sauer, Spanish and Portuguese

Leah Henson, Language, Literatures, and Writing

Kerry Chermel, Spanish and Portuguese

Jill Gomez, LLW & SPO

Amber Franklin, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Julie Szucs, Spanish & Portuguese 

Charlie Farmer, French, Italian, and Classical Studies and German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Mark McKinney, French, Italian and Classical Studies

Haosheng Yang, German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages

Renee Gottliebson, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Audrey Wasser, French, Italian, and Classical Studies

Trace Poll, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Emily Cluen, Miller Center for Student Disability Services

Arnold Olszewski, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Amy Shaiman ‘91, University Advancement

Jeffrey Toaddy 2005, IT Services

Jason Shaiman, Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum

Helane Androne, English and LLW

Noah Montague, Residence Life

Rob Shook, 1809 LGBTQ+ Alumni Board Member

Lea Minniti, College of Education, Health, and Society

Amy Toland, English

Rosemary Pennington, Media, Journalism & Film

Fauzia E. Ahmed, Sociology & Gerontology

Scott Sander, Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry 

Chip Hahn, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Elisabeth Hodges, French, Italian, and Classical Studies

Sujay Sabnis, Educational Psychology

Beth Miller, Kinesiology, Nutrition & Health

J. Scott Brown, Sociology & Gerontology 

Nicole Thesz, German, Russian, Asian & Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Jenny Minier, Economics

Donna Scarborough, Speech Pathology and Audiology

Jonathan F. James, Honors College

Jordyn Clark, Honors College

Hank Stevens, Biology

Valerie Butterfield, Honors College

Riley Acton, Economics 

Susan Coffin, Media, Journalism & Film

Per Bloland, Music

Rachel Kelly, University Communications and Marketing

Erin Laffrey, Family Science and Social Work

Josh Ederington, Economics

Lisa Ellram, Management

Darryl B. Rice, Management

María J. González, Biology

Rod Northcutt, Art

Becky Sander, University Communications and Marketing

Michelle D. Boone, Biology

Xian Wu, Kinesiology, Nutrition & Health

Katia Del Rio-Tsonis, Biology

Erik Jensen, History

Melany Fisk, Biology

Nick Stanford, College of Engineering and Computing

David J. Berg, Biology

Connor Goodpaster, Farmer School of Business

Conor Burns, Farmer School of Business 

Ashley Jarvis, Farmer School of Business

Paul F. James, Biology

Kindra Lierz, Farmer School of Business

Eric Brooks, Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health

Theresa Conover, Justice & Community Studies

Katy Abbott, Gerontology

Wyatt J Bischoff, College of Engineering and Computing

Joe Rode, Management

Jayna Johnson, 1809 LGBTQ+ Alumni Board

Robin Schell, Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry

Sydnie Singleton, College of Education, Health, and Society 

Christa Branson, College of Arts and Science

Cynthia Ulreich, College of Arts and Science 

Mandy Olejnik, Howe Center for Writing Excellence 

Jennifer Bulanda, Sociology & Gerontology

Laura Long, College of Arts and Science

James Flynn, Economics

Ashley Fishwick, College of Arts and Science

Kevin Carr, Education

Alexis Morgan Young, Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry

Kelly Knollman-Porter, Speech Pathology and Audiology 

Geneva Blackmer, the Interfaith Center at Miami University 

Ashley Cartell Johnson, Educational Psychology

Joe Squance, College of Arts and Science

Jennifer Rode, Nursing

Chloe Britenstine, College of Arts and Science 

The Rev. Julie Blake Fisher, Campus Minister and Rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church of Oxford

Bethany Brose, Nursing

Rachel Fadden, Nursing

Ujaranne Onuorah, Nursing

Debbie Beyer, Nursing

Ryan C. Ivory, Family Science & Social Work

Molly Heidemann, Global Initiatives

Elizabeth Zwilling, Nursing

Quincy Essinger, College of Arts and Science

Yuki Essinger, College of Arts and Science

Cory Duchesneau, FSB Academic Advising

Dawna Peterson, College of Education, Health, & Society

Deorajhe Mahabir, Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry

Lisa Kuhn, Department of Marketing

Kaitlyn Fields, College of Arts and Science

Candace Crist, College of Education, Health, & Society

Kevin Matteson, Project Dragonfly/Biology

Mary Jo Lahrmann, Project Dragonfly/Biology

Victoria Jurevic, Nursing

Beth Boyd, Spanish & Portuguese

Rev. Katharine L. Steele, Wesley Campus Ministry, Oxford UMC

The Rev. Marc van Bulck, Associate Pastor, Oxford Presbyterian Church

Tailyn Walborn, College of Arts and Sciences

Angela Curl, Family Science and Social Work

Jill Korach, Biology/Project Dragonfly

Meghann O'Leary, Educational Psychology

Clarence Gordon, College of Arts and Science

Chris Welter, Management

Hayley Morrison, Management

Thomas S. Poetter, Educational Leadership

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