I was scared when I first walked into the newsroom as a first year, finally attending my first in-person opinion meeting. Scared to meet new people and scared I wouldn’t fit in.
A year and a half later, I was scared when I first walked into the newsroom as editor of the brand new GreenHawks section. Scared I wouldn’t succeed in this role, scared my lack of journalism experience would hold the paper back.
Now, as I walk out of the newsroom and pass on my editor roles, I laugh at these fears. I laugh because I remember all the laughs I’ve had in Armstrong 3018. I laugh thinking how two years later, those new faces are some of my best friends. I laugh remembering all the serious stories I oversaw, all the mistakes, all the hard moments and all the times I questioned myself, knowing now that I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything.
Walking into this newsroom was the best decision of my college career.
Saying that it helped me grow both personally and professionally is cliche (sorry, Fred), but my fellow editors can attest it’s true. But my time at The Student has not been about me, it’s been about the people this organization draws in, the people who have changed my life.
To my first two opinion editors, Rebecca Wolff and Ames Radwan, thank you for embracing my unorthodox story ideas and constantly encouraging me to keep writing. Without you, I may have never come back to this wonderful organization.
To retired professor Annie Laurie-Blair and Morgan Schneider, who planted the idea of creating the GreenHawks section in TMS, thank you. You are the reason I’ve had the joy of being an editor.
To Sean Scott and Luke Macy, thank you for accepting GreenHawks and making sure I felt welcome every step of the way. Your patience and encouragement gave me more confidence than you’ll ever know.
To Devin Ankeney, thank you for making me your assistant opinion editor. Your friendship and guidance were invaluable. Leading such an important and thoughtful section has been both my biggest challenge and greatest reward at Miami, and I could not have done it without you.
To Taylor Powers and Sarah Kennel, thank you for being my assistants. You have both helped me so much, and my sections would not have been the same without you. I could not be more proud of who I am leaving to run them, and I will always cheer for you from afar.
To Livi Patel, Anna Reier and Taylor Stumbaugh, can you believe the seniors are leaving? The newsroom will be so much more boring, I just know it. But I also know you all are probably the smartest, brightest journalists I know. Go kill it next year, I know you will.
To all the new and returning editors: Sarah Frosch, Kethan Babu, Jeff Middleton, Stella Powers, Austin Smith, Olivia Michelsen, Kiser Young, Shannon Mahoney and Parker Green, I’m so excited for you. You all have already left such an impression on my life, make sure that TMS continues to do that for new students.
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To Adam Smith, I’ll miss the jokes in our corner of the newsroom. You are such a fun friend, and I know that will never change. Can’t wait to see you again after Wednesday night.
To Teddy Johnson, thanks for asking me to go camping with you one random day in the newsroom. We’ve bonded over so many things in such little time, it’s kind of crazy to think about. You’ve made my time at Miami so much more entertaining. Everest next?
To Kasey Turman, what a journey we’ve had. To think the random curly blond I sat next to sophomore year would become my editor-in-chief is crazy enough. I couldn’t imagine how close we’d become. Thank you for your friendship, I can’t wait for it to follow us wherever our lives lead.
To my fellow seniors, Adam, Kasey, Teddy, Jessica Monahan, Chloe Southard and Chloe McKinney, I’m so proud of us. We’ve created a special culture, and I know the paper is better off because of us. You are all so talented, and I can’t wait to see what we accomplish out in this crazy world.
To my writers, I extend my biggest thank you. Among so many of you, every story has been a privilege. It was a privilege to lead, and you have given me such joy these last two years.
I’m getting close to the word count, but that’s fine. My time at this paper goes beyond the words I’ve written on these pages. I love everyone I’ve ever met through TMS, and I’ll carry these bonds with me the rest of my life. These words just helped me through the door.
Thank you.