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Meet the associated Student Government student body president and vice president candidates

Daniel Martin and Kirsten Osteboe (left) are running against Gracie Grady and Nya Hodge (right)

The study body president and vice president election opens on the HUB March 16. Here’s what to know about each ticket running.

Daniel Martin and Kirsten Osteboe

Daniel Martin, a junior diplomacy and global politics and history double major and Associated Student Government (ASG) secretary for campus affairs, is running for student body president. Kirsten Osteboe, a junior diplomacy and global politics major, is running as vice president.

Martin said he and Osteboe are running on a platform of civic engagement, community building, transparency and leading from behind. They hope to create a philanthropy festival with all the philanthropic organizations on campus to help raise money and awareness for their causes. Martin said Greek organizations have been very receptive to the idea.

“We want to come attend your student org settings, even after this election, just so we can really hear your voices,” Osteboe said.

Martin and Osteboe’s slogan is “your voice, our mission.”

They hope to echo this slogan in events like their out-of-office hours, in which they will host open meeting time with students in Armstrong Student Center. They also plan to host an event called a “connection dinner,” which will be a networking event for student organizations on campus.

“We think it would be mutually beneficial for everybody to learn those life skills and connect with different student orgs that they might not see on a day-to-day basis” Osteboe said.

Gracie Grady and Nya Hodge

Gracie Grady, a junior political science major and ASG secretary for communications and media relations, is running for student body president. Nya Hodge, a creative writing and history double major and ASG chief of staff, is running for vice president.

Grady and Hodge’s slogan is “committed to Miami, committed to you.”

Grady and Hodge said they’re running on a platform of accessibility and equity, public safety and career development. This includes finishing the accessibility map started by the current president and vice president of ASG, Will Brinley and Babs Dwyer.

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Grady also said she wants to make sure all buildings on campus have an accessibility audit so when it comes time to remodel the buildings, Miami is in compliance with all building codes.

Grady said they are keeping current issues regarding diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at the forefront of their minds as they move forward.

“We want to make sure that students know identity-based groups exist on campus,” Grady said.

Grady said she and Hodge are dedicated to bringing student issues to light and hope to connect with students personally. She encouraged students to contact her by scheduling a meeting, emailing or even messaging her through Instagram.

“We’re very excited to get to know people,” Hodge said. “For us, it’s about taking people’s questions in stride and making sure that if someone does ask us something, we’re graceful in our follow-up and that we’re dutiful in finding out an answer.”

Students can vote in the ASG election online or in-person at Armstrong from March 17-19.