Before Miami University bought the land where Cook Field sits today, The Oxford Retreat took up the prime real estate. The Retreat, founded in 1882, was an asylum for people with mental and nervous disorders and people with drug addictions. It was run by a man named Dr. Harvey Cook, who is the namesake for Cook Field.
In 1925, The Retreat moved to its annex called The Pines after Miami purchased its main building and the land around it. Then, in 1927, Miami renamed the building on the land Fisher Hall and converted it into a residence hall. Over the years, the building also served as the Miami Theatre and was used for storage. Then, in 1978, the building was demolished and Marcum Conference Center was built in its place in 1982.
The Pines and the 14.67 acres of land where Cook Field now stands, was leased to Miami in 1936 and the building was renamed Wilson Hall. It was used as a residence hall until its demolition in 2019. The site of Wilson Hall is now tennis ball courts.
In 2013, part of the site was transformed into Cook Field, an outdoor recreation space. Since then, it’s been the place where students go to run the perimeter of the field, play intramural sports and hang out with friends.