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6 things you need to do before graduation

<p>Miami seniors will graduate on Saturday, May 17, at 10:30 a.m.</p>

Miami seniors will graduate on Saturday, May 17, at 10:30 a.m.

Graduation season is right around the corner, which means it is time to say goodbye to Miami University. Seniors will have their last exam, last dinner with their friends and last class with their favorite professor. They’ll walk across the stage to receive their diploma. 

It can be overwhelming to remember all the things that need to be done in this hectic time, so here are six things you should do before graduation. 

Apply for graduation

First things first, apply for graduation through BannerWeb before completing any of these steps. Follow directions at the One Stop website for detailed instructions and important deadlines. 

Visit Brick and Ivy

It may be obvious, but make sure to visit the Brick and Ivy Campus Store to order and pick up your cap and gown for $29.95. You can also purchase your tassels, stoles, cords and medallions to represent your time as a student at Miami. 

There’s also an optional purchase of a diploma frame from the campus store to display your diploma and tassel with pride for years to come. 

Take senior photos

Hire a photographer or get a friend to take photos of you around academic buildings, the Conrad Formal Gardens or Uptown. Anywhere on Miami’s campus can make for a beautiful photo, especially as spring arrives. 

Take solo shots or pose with your best friends, but remember to be yourself and take photos that represent your experience at Miami. 

Make dinner plans

Don’t let your favorite Uptown restaurants fill up! Celebrate your graduation at beloved spots like Mac and Joe’s, Bagel and Deli, Left Field Tavern or The Pickle and Pig. 

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Invite friends and family to enjoy your favorite Oxford foods and celebrate your amazing accomplishments over great mac and cheese bites and bagels. 

Jump on the seal

After you finish all your exams, head to the one thing everyone else at Miami treats like the plague ... the seal! You can now walk on it as much as you please and can rejoice in your freedom from the seal’s bad luck (as long as you are not going to graduate school at Miami!).

Get a toasted roll 

Lastly, remember to savor your last semester at Miami and participate in all the traditions one last time. Eat the famous Tuffy’s Toasted Roll at Pulley Diner, rub the turtles’ heads and stand under Upham Arch at midnight with a lover. 

And most importantly, cherish the good memories and remember how far you’ve come from that very first day on campus to the graduate you will soon be.