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<p>First-year student Anna feels excited about her new life at Miami University, while her hallmates complain about their homesickness</p>

First-year student Anna feels excited about her new life at Miami University, while her hallmates complain about their homesickness

These stories were made by students for their JRN 101H class. They are reported stories about the lives of other students on campus.

Anna sits on the common room couch with her hallmates and listens to them complain about their homesickness and when they will see their parents next. They call their parents often, some almost every day. She has not called her parents in a week, and she is fine with that.

Well, here’s why:

Because she lives closer to Miami than the others, and does not feel too far away from her hometown to miss it.

Because her hall is starting to feel like a community full of laughing friends and late-night movies every Sunday.

Because she has big dreams and expectations for herself that she wants to achieve at Miami.

Because she joined fun clubs with her friends and made it into high leadership positions.

Because she is starting to figure out where everything is on campus without a map.

Because being away from her family felt freeing and like she can do what she wants to do all the time.

Because she doesn’t have her parents watching her grades and pressuring all A’s.

Because she feels the pressure of being perfect lifted off her shoulders.

Because in the end, she was ready to leave, she wanted to be here.

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She does not miss home just yet.

So she just sits there and listens to them talk about the last time they cried about missing their dog or wanting face-to-face talks with their parents.
