Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

The band member

<p>Even within the sea of band members, first-year student Claire finds a way to stand out on the field. Photo from The Miami Student Archives.</p>

Even within the sea of band members, first-year student Claire finds a way to stand out on the field. Photo from The Miami Student Archives.

These stories were written by students for their JRN 101H class. They are reported stories about the lives of other students on campus.

The band is lined up on the field. The members blur together into one shape. But one member is determined to stand out.

Standing out comes naturally to Claire. You learn how to differentiate yourself pretty early on when you have an identical twin.

Since she was a child, every outfit, every hobby, every action was calculated to set her apart from her sister.

But now, in a new place, on a campus of thousands of kids, standing out is a bit more challenging.

Each morning she carefully picks her outfit to stand out.

She dresses for herself and no one else. Some days that means comfort and others it means a bold outfit with a cute hairstyle.

There is no mistaking Claire with her bold outfit and clarinet case by her side. She stands out just enough to catch your eye in a sea of college students who all look the same.

But on days like this, where the whole band is dressed identically, she can't exactly dress to stand out.

And when she can not look different, she must act differently.

So, she acts with confidence.

She is unapologetically enthusiastic about her passions and is not afraid to stand up and speak her mind.

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On the field, she chants just a little louder than the rest of her section.

When they play she lifts her chin ever so slightly higher, staring down her audience.

She plays as hard as she can, attempting to create a loud tune that booms over the rest.

From the stands, the band members blend together. That is their goal, of course. But through the cheering of the crowd and booming of the band you can almost pick out a tune carried above the rest.

Someone in the crowded field stands out.
