Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

A new addition to Peffer Park brings more art to the Oxford community

Oxford's new Peffer Park mural brings a pop of color to the underpass.
Oxford's new Peffer Park mural brings a pop of color to the underpass.

You might have noticed a change in scenery during your last visit to Peffer Park. On the wall of the U.S. 27 underpass is Oxford’s newest mural. Completed by the artist, Hannah Webb, on Oct. 20, the mural depicts four bright, colorful foxes.

The original design featured deer but was switched to foxes by the Public Art Commission of Oxford. Webb said the city decided to change the animal because Oxford’s deer is a controversial topic this year.

“I think that everyone kind of wanted to pivot to something a little bit more neutral, but still maintain the sort of concept of movement through the underpass,” Webb said.

Webb said she supported the change in design and received a good amount of positive community feedback.

“I would say the people that walked by, at least that I interacted with, seemed really excited about the concept,” Webb said. “I’ve heard the word inviting a lot … it pulls you into the trail and the Public Art Commission of Oxford down the path.”

Megan Kuykendoll, a Girl Scout troop leader and family science and social work professor at Miami University, was out with her Girl Scout’s when she first saw the mural. Kuykendoll said she usually comes to the park a few times a year for organized events and other functions and is happy Oxford added more art to the community.

“I think it’s a good strategy to intentionally promote specific art spaces,” Kuykendoll said, “[concrete] generally doesn’t feel nice and connective.”

Tim Cepluch, a retired Hamilton resident, said he comes to the park a few times a month to walk the underpass trail. He was on a walk in Peffer when he first noticed the mural and said he liked it.

“It’s nice,” Cepluch said. “Anything’s better than the graffiti.”

Kuykendoll said she hopes Oxford will consider dedicating more places for art of all different levels in the future.

“I would like to see more spaces for temporary art in town,” Kuykendoll said, “the way that Hamilton had that chalkboard wall.”

Webb said she wants to come back to create another mural in Oxford soon.

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“It was really, really fun to paint this,” Webb said. “My entire family came out and got involved. And obviously it’s my hometown, so for me, it was really special.”
