Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

What to know about Issue 1

Issue 1 addresses gerrymandering in Ohio.
Issue 1 addresses gerrymandering in Ohio.

Currently, the Ohio Redistricting Commission is responsible for drawing legislative boundaries on behalf of the entire state government.

Issue 1 on the upcoming ballot is a proposed amendment to establish the Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC) Initiative. The lead sponsor of the ballot initiative is Citizens Not Politicians.

A vote “YES” to pass the initiative would establish a 15-member CRC to bring the responsibility of redistricting to Ohio citizens, and take it away from the hands of politicians. A vote “NO” would deny the institution of the CRC, and the Ohio Constitution would remain the same, leaving redistricting up to the politician commission in effect since 2015.

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled the existing system of districting as unconstitutional partisan gerrymandering on multiple occasions. 
