Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Letter from the editor: How are we doing?

<p>Kasey Turman is all smiles when in the newsroom. Photo by Sarah Frosch</p>

Kasey Turman is all smiles when in the newsroom. Photo by Sarah Frosch

There are a lot of things I love and cherish in my life, and lots that I’m grateful for. Over the last two years, The Miami Student has become more than just something I love.

It has become one of the most important.

I care about the work we do every week and how it impacts the Oxford and Miami University communities. When I joined The Student, I didn’t know how a newspaper operated or the work that’s put into it. I definitely didn’t know how much readers affected our views and what we see as important topics to cover.

That’s why I want your help.

Members of The Student try their hardest to cover everything we see, but there are only so many of us. The good news is there are plenty of readers out there who can help us fill in the spaces.

We want to know what we’re missing and what else we can be doing.

I believe we’re doing great work, but that’s coming from someone inside the newsroom. With your input, we can be doing more impactful work for our whole audience.

It’s hard for students not from Oxford to come into a community and learn what’s important to the citizens. Even if you’re from the community, like I am, there’s only so much you can know about what people want or think.

Although the Oxford Free Press provides great coverage of the area, I want The Student to help out just as much as it has previously.

The same goes for Miami’s community.

Members of The Student come from different edges of campus, but we can only know so many details about a community of nearly 20,000 students. We take in as much information as we can, but we may still miss things.

This is all to say: I want your feedback.

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I want to know how we’re doing with our coverage, what we get right, what needs help and anything in between. To do that I want you to reach out to our newsroom.

Sadly, we don’t have a landline in the newsroom anymore or I’d spend all day fielding your calls, but we do have our emails. Every writer puts their email at the bottom of their story so people can reach out to them. Similarly, you can reach out to me at my email at the bottom of this story or the editor-in-chief email,, with any story ideas or coverage questions you have.

If nothing else, reach out to have a conversation and educate us. Tell us about your story or the community so we can embed ourselves even further.

As always, thank you for reading and supporting us.

Kasey Turman is a senior political science and journalism double major. He graduated from Talawanda High School in 2021. He was elected as editor-in-chief of The Miami Student in March of 2023.