Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Bizarre Butler County: amateur ghost hunters explore rural Ohio’s occult

Established in 1803, Butler County, Ohio is home to numerous urban legends and ghost stories. From regional myths such as the Loveland Frog Man to the 1953 disappearance of Ron Tammen from a Miami University dorm, there is no shortage of tales worthy of sharing over your next bonfire.

Since their debut episode in early October 2024, amateur ghost hunters, Taylor Powers and Sarah Kennel, have dived deep into the background of these famous legends – and may have made contact with a few ghosts in the process.

Listen as the duo recounts their ghost-hunting adventures or watch behind-the-scenes video content on our YouTube. 

This podcast is a limited series for the month of October, covering the Legend of Helen Peabody, The Ghost Biker, The Loveland Frog Man, investigative techniques with Ashlee St. Denis from ⁠Spiritual Realm Paranormal Investigators (SRPI)⁠ and the 71-year-old mystery of Ron Tammen.
