During the week of Aug. 19, students from around the country and the world flocked to Miami University’s campus to move into their first-year dorm. While some were pleased with their placement (those who were blessed with a recently renovated dorm, others looked at their parents and begged them not to leave them in these conditions.
As a former Emerson Hall resident myself, I understand this pain. Within five minutes of my arrival at Emerson, tears began to form in my eyes. I had no idea Miami even had halls that looked like this – my sister before me lived in Flower Hall, so you have to cut me some slack. I just thought all dorms looked like that.
Nonetheless, I told myself this underwhelming dorm was all part of the college experience, and I could decorate my room to my liking despite the grimy tile floors and concrete block walls. With a combination of posters, neon signs and picture frames, I made my room a place I felt comfortable in.
And I did it without breaking the bank.
A week after Miami students moved onto campus this year, The New York Times published an article about $10,000 dorm room decorations at the University of Mississippi done by a hired interior designer, who put together what seems to be the most pristine, upscale room ever made. It came fully decorated come move-in day for students who hired the designer.
The rooms do look nice, but I can’t even begin to imagine spending that kind of money on a residence hall room. But I do feel for the first years (and even sophomores) out there who have no idea how to decorate a bare room. So, here’s a list of ideas from my experience on how and where to find good room decor without spending $10,000 – or even $100.

The author's wall decor
Goodwill vinyl and home decor
While second-hand shopping may not be everyone’s thing, I can attest I have found some of my best room decor from Goodwill. For a bit of direction, try combing through the hundreds of vinyl album covers they have for $1.99. There are some real works of art in there, and I guarantee they’re more unique than anything you will find in the Urban Outfitters vinyl section. While you may have to do some digging, I promise you will find some cool art in there.
On top of that, don’t leave Goodwill without skimming through the home decor section – specifically the collection of vases. I have collected so many colorful vases from there that just brighten any area they sit, especially with fake or real flowers. You can even get several of them and do a feng shui thing.
This is easily the most inexpensive way you can decorate your dorm. Anytime you travel, pick up a few postcards. These can be art prints, photos or words you vibe with, and I’m sure each one will not cost more than $2. Putting these together in a frame or hanging them together in a collage on your wall are great ways to fill empty spaces.
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Many people can agree: the overhead light in a dorm is not flattering. For most of my two years in the residence halls, I never turned the lights on once. So, a great way to add additional lighting to your room for a cheap price is to find fairy lights, string lights or LED lights on Amazon or at Target. It is really a game changer in making a dorm feel more homey, and it does not require you to purchase an $80 lamp.
Do it yourself!
Michaels is a great place to get supplies to do your own bedroom decor, and it likely won’t exceed $50. My sophomore year, I painted three simple canvases with a design I found on Pinterest, and I got so many compliments on how they looked in my room (and trust me, I’m NOT an artist). Hanging simple, small paintings or drawings in your room can really show off your personality, which is what a room should be about.
For a bonus, also check out Michael’s home decor section before you go – they have cute, simple pieces for your room at a very inexpensive price.
Do not get trapped in the idea that in order for your room to look nice, you need to spend lots of money on cute decor you find on popular websites like Society6 and Dormify. Get creative and find ways to make your dorm room a comfortable place: shop in the sale sections, raid TJ-Maxx, download and print images off the web at Walgreens (only if they aren’t copyright of course) and make your room personal to you.
Olivia Patel is the managing editor of The Miami Student. She is a current junior at Miami University studying journalism and political science, with a minor in classical studies.