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What to do in Oxford: food and drink

<p>Kofenya is perfect to catch up with friends or work on homework.</p>

Kofenya is perfect to catch up with friends or work on homework.

At a glance, Oxford may not seem like much more than a small college town. Beneath the surface, however, the brick-covered streets have a variety of options, especially when it comes to food and drinks, making it an ideal place to grab a nice meal or a late-night treat.

Whether you’re looking for a good meal or a nice cup of coffee, there’s something for everyone. A few students shared their favorite places in Oxford, including Sushi King, Insomnia Cookies, Spring Street Treats and more.


For a cup of coffee or a nice, relaxing place to study at all hours, Kofenya is the perfect place to go. The coffee shop features a welcoming environment of chairs and a cozy aroma that can pull in a passerby away from their day.

Sela Turkel, a junior political science major, enjoys Kofenya because of its accessibility.

“Kofenya is so close to campus, so it’s really easy,” Turkel said. “Even when I was a freshman I used to just walk there from my dorm. But now, living off campus, it’s even closer. It’s just super easy to get to, especially in between classes.”

Spring Street Treats

Another favorite of Turkel’s is Spring Street Treats, a dairy-free ice cream shop in Oxford. While it’s not as close to campus as some other places in town, it’s a great outdoor quick stop for a fun, sweet treat.

“My number one favorite is Spring Street Treats … I love going there,” Turkel said. “Me and my friends always go there basically every Sunday after [sorority] chapter.” 

The shop sports seating for warm summer and fall nights along with tetherball and a basketball hoop for all to enjoy.

Insomnia Cookies

When Oxford enters its winter months, ice cream might not be the best option for a late-night sweet treat. That’s why Rachel Drone, a sophomore art education major, enjoys Insomnia Cookies for its warm cookies and late hours.

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“Their cookies are huge, and they’re amazing to have by yourself or to share with friends,” Drone said. “My friends and I went there a lot just because we wanted to have a little bit of sugar.”

Mac and Joe’s

Before Drone satisfies her sweet tooth, she said she likes to go to Mac and Joe’s for a bite to eat. The Oxford staple is known for its fried mac and cheese balls called mac bites and its unique environment filled with Miami University fanfare. She is a big fan of their food and enjoys the tucked-away environment.

“I like the restaurant because it’s kind of off the beaten path,” Drone said. “It’s not really on the main drive, it’s in an alleyway. The restaurant itself is a little bit quieter, but the food is excellent and I’ve had a lot of great conversations [there].”

Fridge & Pantry

Leilyn Mercer, a senior chemical engineering major, likes to get food from Fridge & Pantry. She said she thinks of it as a healthier choice than some of the other options in town.

“Fridge honestly makes me feel like I’m being healthy because it’s that clean vibe,” Mercer said.

The restaurants menu features deli options along with a variety of salad choices. There are also breakfast options for early risers.


Another favorite of Mercer’s is Steinkeller because while in college, it’s not always easy to get a full meal, especially if it is not affordable.

“[My favorite thing about] Steinkeller is the steak night, because it’s nice to get a full meal, and it’s not super expensive,” Mercer said. “The atmosphere is super fun. I feel like I always run into someone I know there, and it almost feels kind of home-y.”

Sushi King

Like many other Miami University students, Mercer enjoys the good prices and generous portions at Sushi King, which frequently offers half-priced sushi. This newer Oxford option has been growing in popularity over the past few years and even functions as a bar during weekend nights. 

“They have half off sometimes and I just am obsessed with sushi, so that’s why it’s one of my favorites,” Mercer said.