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Get to know your Veep

<p>Babs Dwyer (left) and Will Brinley (right) hope to connect with the student body during their term. Photo provided by Babs Dwyer.</p>

Babs Dwyer (left) and Will Brinley (right) hope to connect with the student body during their term. Photo provided by Babs Dwyer.

Student body vice president. That’s a title that may sound like a lot, but let’s get to know me!

Who am I? My name is Babs Dwyer, short for Barbara (named after my grandma), but everyone has always called me Babs. I grew up in Cincinnati, specifically the little town of Loveland. I am a senior studying sport communication and media with a minor in journalism. I love to make crafts in my spare time: sewing, scrapbooking and anything creative.

My background may sound a little unconventional for the student body vice president (VP), but I believe it’s more of a positive than a negative. Associated Student Government isn’t for any specific majors or interests because it is a non-partisan organization, open to anyone who wants to join.

When The Miami Student (TMS) reached out to Will Brinley, student body president, and I to write a column, I could not have been more pumped. This column lets me interact with my fellow peers, because I have noticed that not everyone knows myself and Will. Or even worse, they don’t know Miami University has a student government … gasp! But rest assured, I am here to help!

I’m not going to lie, I don’t really have a vision for this column. As VP, my role is very important and demanding, but it’s also sort of a catch-all for hats that the student body president may not be able to wear. So, to kick off this column for the rest of my term, I want to share what I am doing during my time as VP and what I am going through in this role.

To put it in a nutshell, Will and I are essentially responsible for representing the student body to Miami’s administration and faculty. Easier said than done. But we try our best and will continue to do so! Luckily, we are not in this alone; Our wonderful cabinet, senate leadership and student senators do a great deal of work to make Miami the best it can be.

Serving as VP for this upcoming school year has already hit me with a plethora of emotions. It has been the busiest three weeks of my college career, and probably of my life. Busy, but also so rewarding. I’ve had the chance to be involved in many great opportunities already. I was a panelist for the Women’s Success and Safety Panel, which was organized by Phi Sigma Sigma. Myself and my president, Will, have the privilege of meeting with administrators such as Jayne Brownell the senior vice president for student affairs, Provost Liz Mullenix, President Greg Crawford and so many other important individuals.

For this week's column, Will and I decided to alternate writing for each TMS print edition. So lucky you, this week is me! But as chaotic and busy my role as VP may be, meeting with such influential administrators, faculty and students is by far the most rewarding aspect of my role. So I encourage you to reach out to myself and Will. We want to make Miami the best it can be, and leave it a little better than we found it. 

So if you have any ideas, advice or just want to chat, please reach out! My email is below, I can’t wait to continue working to make our student experience better!

Babs Dwyer is a senior majoring in sport communication and media and minoring in journalism. She is currently the Student Body Vice President of Miami’s Associated Student Government. In addition, she studied abroad at the University of Glasgow in Scotland for a semester, plays on the club tennis team, has been involved in the Governmental Relations Network, and is a tour guide on campus!

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