Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

College is perfect for finding your personal style

Social Media Manager Kiser Young rummages through his wardrobe.
Social Media Manager Kiser Young rummages through his wardrobe.

The question scribbled into every teenager’s diary and the driving force behind every young adult’s currently full online shopping cart can be linked back to the age-old question: “How do I look cool?!”

Well, the simple answer to that question is if you want to look cool you have to dress cool, but then there's the other question…

“How in the world am I supposed to know if my clothes are cool?”

The easy answer is stay far, far, far away from panda Dunks.

In all actuality, style is something that, for better or worse, needs to be worked on one piece at a time. It’s the reason why the kid in your biology class pulls off a distressed Minecraft hoodie, a pair of JNCOs and the most worn pair of Converses. It’s the reason the girl you’re taking Spanish with looks a little out of place, decked out in the latest matching sweatsuit, a forced attempt at a necklace stack of mixed metals, colorful eye makeup and an odd placement for a “dainty/vintage” looking bow.

In terms of fashion, style is something you have to earn stripes for, and where better to build your own personal style than a college campus?

Is it bad to hop on “trending” waves of clothing? No, it’s actually smart to copy or mimic things that have been deemed eye-catching by the public, but when every piece is bought for the sole purpose of making a statement, it becomes posed or even tacky.

University should be the place where you take the time to rifle through shrunken down closets and miscellaneous wardrobes stuffed into the random corners of a dorm or apartment and really sort out the pieces that make you feel like you.

For some, that may require getting rid of a lifetime supply of flannel or, for the small few, placing the new set of pashminas in the donation bin after realizing you can’t easily incorporate an eclectic headscarf into your everyday attire.

Clothes are objects that become more than just pointless articles that we change in and out of.

They live our lives with us!

Clothes allow us to tell a story simply by walking into a room. The cut of her jeans, the shape of his glasses or their choice to wear suede instead of corduroy — it all plays a part in piecing together a part of someone’s life.

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While at school, surrounded by peers similar in age, students can find community in expressing themselves with the things they wear. Having friends that push you to wear that special shirt collecting dust on a hanger or becoming inspired to dress up a pair of Timberlands because you saw a cool kid’s outfit makes self-expression fun.

It makes having a personal style all the more worthwhile.