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FAM hosts rally protesting slow-moving negotiations with Miami University management

A surplus of students and faculty members in FAM spoke to the crowd regarding financial security and what's needed for a good education.
A surplus of students and faculty members in FAM spoke to the crowd regarding financial security and what's needed for a good education.

On the afternoon of Sept. 20, the Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM) held a rally amidst slow-moving contract negotiations with university management. At the demonstration, students, faculty and community members all spoke, sharing inspiring words and stories. 

Patrick Houlihan, a senior political science major, attended the rally as a student ally. He spoke on the importance of FAM for students.

“As a university, Miami should attempt to provide the best education possible to their students. As students, we deserve the best education possible,” Houlihan, president of the Miami Democrats and a member of Students for FAM, said. “We cannot get the best education when faculty are worried about their financial security. We need faculty to succeed for students to succeed.”

After Houlihan spoke, the crowd chanted “FAM loves students.”

Librarian and Lead Negotiator Rachel Makarowski also spoke.

“All we want is for people to be able to cover their basic needs,” Makarowski said. “We want to be able to be able to pay off our student debt and afford vacations so that when we take time off we can actually rest and enjoy our lives. We want to be able to afford to buy houses.”

Makarowski’s speech was met with loud cheers and a resounding “We will win” chant from the crowd.

Photo by Anna Reier | The Miami Student
FAM held the rally in Academic Quad across from Roudebush Hall.

Chelsea Greene, a professor of Business Legal Studies and a member of the negotiation team,  said she came out to show support and to put pressure on the management team to do what's in their power.

Former faculty and students also came out to support FAM.

“It was so hot so I thought maybe people would stay in,” said English Professor and Contract Team Co-Chair Cathy Wagner. “But there were a lot of individuals that came in from Cincinnati and the regional campuses. We were also pleasantly surprised by the student turnout. Overall, it was a fantastic day.”

Addie Lamb, a senior zoology and environmental studies major, was another student who came out to support the cause.

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“I love my professors and just want to support everything they're doing,” Lamb said. “I think it's important to physically be here as a body present in the fight that they're doing.”

FAM and university management will meet again at the bargaining table on October 9, with FAM-L (librarians) meeting with management on October 17.