Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


I came to Miami University as a declared journalism major who knew one thing: I had to be on the paper.

I actually learned about The Miami Student (TMS) by accident. While heading into Armstrong during orientation, I glimpsed bright red fabric, a stack of newspapers and overheard “yeah, we print.” Obviously I made a direct beeline for the table. I knew in my gut this was a sign.

I chatted with the TMS members manning the table about what they do, the different sections I can write for and what would be expected of me. Despite the nerves I had, my anxiety wasn’t going to stop me from joining this club. So I scanned the QR code, found out when the first meeting was and mentally prepared myself.

When school started and the first Campus & Community meeting rolled around, it took everything in my body to walk into that newsroom alone. I was nervous, I felt like I didn’t belong and I was soon surrounded by strange upperclassmen who moved confidently, like they knew who they were.

Intimidating was an understatement.

I sat there silently and looked around at my fellow writers, wondering what I signed up for. I then focused my attention on the table of C&C editors, chatting and introducing themselves to the crowded room. I decided then that I wanted to be one of them one day.

Two years later, I’m a junior sitting at that table.

Without TMS, I never would have gained the confidence to speak in front of more than three people or have the nerve to talk with the provost. At my first few (more than a few) editor meetings I couldn’t stop giggling or blushing profusely when our editor-in-chief would call on me to talk about my section. I remember my increased heart rate and panic setting in when heads turned my way. Now, I speak up on my own, hopefully with conviction, and am slowly shrugging off the imposter syndrome clinging to me.

The newspaper has molded me into the journalist I am today, but my growth isn’t just from my journalistic experiences; it’s from the people I’ve surrounded myself with.

Some of my biggest role models and best friends have come from this paper (shout out Sarah) and I dedicate so much of my time to its success because I believe in what we do. I believe in student journalists demanding respect, holding people accountable and learning everyday.

I know without a doubt that I wouldn’t be where I am today, a national award-winning journalist with experience creating a local newspaper, without The Miami Student.

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Taylor Stumbaugh is a Junior Journalism and Media & Communication double major with a minor in Spanish. She joined The Miami Student her first-year and is now the Senior Campus and Community editor who’s passionate about the newspaper and loves to recruit new journalists.