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City council discusses emergency access, Oxford Area Trail System fire EMS levy

Oxford City Council discussed two levies on the November ballot and celebrated National Hispanic Latinx Heritage Month.
Oxford City Council discussed two levies on the November ballot and celebrated National Hispanic Latinx Heritage Month.

Oxford City Council meeting included a discussion on alleyways at its Sept. 4 meeting. Stormwater issues and the difficulty for emergency vehicles access in alleys, alongside providing naming signage for alleys was deemed important by councilors. They also discussed the incorporation of stormwater adjustments in the code.

The councilors read a proclamation for National Hispanic Latinx Heritage Month, celebrating the contributions of Latinx and Latina Americans. 

City engineer Scott Otto introduced a resolution for new traffic control signals at the intersection of Oxford-Riley Road and Dana Drive. He explained the need for the new signals, with public comments supporting these safety improvements.

A property tax levy resolution created a 25% increase in property tax to the general fund and a 7.2% increase to the Oxford Area Trail System levy. The increase was attributed to Oxford's development and the need for additional staff. Councilors adopted the resolution after addressing public comments that the trail would reduce pedestrian traffic on roads.

The councilors emphasized the fire and EMS levy as critical and that they will be on the ballot this November.

"We want to eliminate the deficit spending that we have in our fire EMS fund for the last three years," city manager Douglas Elliott said. The October levy of $2.6 million is also paired with $1.2 million provided by Miami University.

Announcements included updates on events like Doggy Days at the Aquatic Center and the police deer culling program.

Council will meet again on Thursday, Sept. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Oxford Courthouse.

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