When you live in a college town year-round, you know two towns: the one with students and the one without.
Oxford is no different.
In the summer months, parking spots are a dime a dozen, lines are nonexistent and the sidewalks are free of trash. The same cannot be said when the academic year rolls around.
From late August to May, not including January, Oxford residents plan trips to avoid specific roads that are engulfed by Miami students multiple times a day and know better than to go to their favorite restaurants during parent weekends.
That’s not to say the summer months are better than when the students are around. But, it is most definitely a different town.
Stores and restaurants are more likely to be closed during Miami’s breaks, but Uptown events happen more often, and the sense of community is strong. When out-of-state license plates pepper the parking spots along High Street, it feels like Miami is creeping into a town that is lovely without all of the commotion.
While in high school, my only interaction with Miami students was during homecoming parades. Once a year, I would step onto a float and watch as someone shotgunned a beer to the loud cheer of the football team.
Outside of that single day, I was always confused as to why students didn’t know that a high school was in the same town as their college.
Now, as a Miami student, I still don’t understand the disconnect between Miami students and Oxford.
I would love for students to take part in our community and learn more about the town that they call home for nine months of the year.
I still find myself waiting for those other three months of the year. The months when the town can truly feel yours and not like someone else is renting it out without any collateral. I mean, do the year-round citizens of Oxford really need 17 vape shops?
Miami students know more about the businesses that don’t ID than they do any other places in town. Meanwhile, Oxford residents rally behind their favorite restaurants in the summer and winter months to make sure they’re still there next year.
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With Black Plastic Records and Future Great Comics recently closing, students have shown a lack of support for local businesses while alcohol or tobacco have continued to be staples in their lives.
These are the two Oxfords that I know.