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MAPS: See how your precinct voted on Issue 1 in Butler County

While Ohio rejected Issue 1 statewide in a special election on Aug. 8, Butler County voters narrowly supported the measure. Across the county, 50.3% voted in favor of the ballot measure, with 49.7% voting against it.

If passed, Issue 1 would have required signatures from all 88 counties to add issues to the ballot while also requiring a 60% majority to pass amendments to the state constitution. The measure would have had implications for the state’s November election this year, which has a ballot measure to create constitutional protection for abortion.

The special election led to high turnout in Butler County, where more than 35% of voters cast their ballots. See how your precinct voted below according to data from the Butler County Board of Elections.

Fast Facts

  • Butler County was the most populous county to vote in support of Issue 1.

  • The four precincts centered on Miami University’s campus had both the lowest voter turnout at less than 5% and the lowest support for Issue 1. Just one voter across the four precincts voted in support of the measure.

  • The three precincts with the highest voter turnout were in Oxford and Oxford Township. Only one other precinct in the county surpassed 55% voter participation.

  • No precinct in Oxford or Oxford Township voted in favor of Issue 1.

  • Support for Issue 1 was strongest in Wayne Township, where every precinct voted at least 65% in support of the measure. Overall, 71% of voters in the township supported the measure.

  • Although the Issue 1 ballot had almost 40,000 fewer voters than last year’s general election in November, almost four times as many people voted on this issue compared to the August 2022 primary election.

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