With registration season upon us, it is time for everyone's favorite part of the year: crafting the perfect semester schedule. No classes before 8 a.m., on Fridays, and really, does anyone want to take more than three classes on the same day?
Whether it be for a Miami Plan requirement or because you just need a couple more credit hours, chances are you will end up having to take some sort of non-major, slightly random course. I’ve pulled together ten of the coolest courses Miami has to offer, so when the time comes, you can pay more attention to securing the 12 p.m. Monday/Wednesday class instead of scouring the course list.
The best part? None of them require any prerequisites.
1. HST 236: Medicine & Disease in Modern History
Given the fact that within the last two years our world has been completely dominated by a global pandemic, there seems to be no better time to learn about diseases within our modern history.
2. ENG 356: Women and Gender in Film
This course is said to “critically examine how women are portrayed throughout the twentieth century in various genres.'' Watching a bunch of powerful women in some iconic movies? Sign me up!
3. ART 131: 3D Printing
This course is all about the basics involved with 3D printing; the design of the objects, the software used and the practical societal uses for 3D printers. There is an additional $55 fee involved, but for semester-long access to 3D printers, I’d say that’s a steal!
4. MAC 202: The Smartphone and Society
This class is an in-depth look at those things that seem to be constantly glued to our hands. Specifically, how these media and communication technologies impact the life of the individual user, as well the wider societal practices.
5. SLM 140M: Broomball
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Could there be a better class for Miami students to take? I think not. SLM 140 might be Miami University all wrapped up in one class. The best part? This course is specifically designed for those new to the sport, so no experience is required!
6. HST 355: History of Modern Sports
Calling all sports fanatics! This class looks carefully at the relationship between sports and one’s national identity, as well as the evolution and spread of various sports. Specific topics include The Olympic Games, The World Cup and baseball and basketball as a whole.
7. REL 360D: Catholic Social Thought
Personally, I love taking classes that directly relate to the current societal climate, and well, Catholic Social Thought checks all my boxes. This class focuses on some of the most prominent “traditional” opinions of the catholic church in connection with current society. While maybe not the most “fun” class on this list, it did strike me as one of the most interesting options in the entirety of the Spring Bulletin.
8. THE 111: Ballroom Dance
This course is listed as a foundational course that will include the framework for competitive ballroom styles. You also get to attend three different evening dances. It’s like “Dancing With the Stars,” but you know, in Oxford.
9. FAS 101: Intro to Fashion Industry
If you find yourself particularly interested in the clothes you wear everyday, why not take Fashion 101? Part of this course is looking at different positions within the industry, and who knows, maybe you will find your dream career. But at the very least, you will walk out with a better understanding of what the most “in” jeans for next fall will be.
10. SLM120I: Power-Walking for Fitness
I mean … come on. No explanation required. Why not get credit hours for power walking across Oxford? You would be doing it anyway!