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Student Project With Three Valley Conservation Trust

By: Aidan Das

Three Valley Conservation Trust is a non-profit organization in Oxford that protects farmland, waterways, and other natural areas around Oxford and Southwest Ohio. Three Valley does this through easements which are legal agreements between the organization and the land owner which prohibits development on the land. They aim to preserve the natural beauty of Southwest Ohio as well as maintain water quality, healthy agricultural land, and biodiversity. A group of students in Dr. Sarah Dumyahn’s Sustainability in Practice class at Miami is working with Three Valley for their semester-long project.

The team consists of Stephanie Gibson, Tate Callahan, Livia Foust, Ben Murk and Ariel Cahn. I was able to talk to them over Zoom to discuss the project and their goals. They are studying a variety of majors such as Strategic Communications, Earth Science, and Individualized Studies, but they have one thing in common, they all have the Sustainability Co-Major in addition to their other majors. The Sustainability in Practice class has brought them together for this project to utilize their individual backgrounds in several different areas of study.

The students are working on creating a volunteer program campaign for Three Valley as well as designing t-shirts and stickers that will be for sale to raise funds and get the word out about the organization.

For the volunteer program, they plan on reaching out to members of EcoReps and other Miami students to volunteer to help clean up trails on some of Three Valley’s protected properties.

The team also plans on working with Three Valley’s Communications Coordinator, Reva Evans, to create more content for social media as well as create a LinkedIn page for the organization.

It’s great to see students put to use what they have learned in the classroom to help local organizations through classes like Sustainability in Practice at Miami!

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.