Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

139 Reasons

By: Sofia Liszka

All sorts of numbers frame and convey our triumphs in life, but my time as Editor in Chief of GreenHawks Media can best be encapsulated by just one: 139.

When I look back on the 139 articles and photo pieces published on the site during my tenure, each of them revives the thrill and privilege of being the first reader. Every piece started with a dedicated staff writer or photographer who identified something compelling, fresh, controversial, or timely to share on our platform. 

To me, the conversation between writer’s words and editor’s suggestions continues after publication. That dialogue opens itself up to all readers, who are then able to develop their own questions and opinions. Ideas circulate so long as people are there to exchange them, build on them and pass them on. Circulation is unconditionally vital at GreenHawks Media, where our mission is to reach and educate others.

These 139 pieces are 139 opportunities to learn something about our environment and 139 reasons to do your part to help the planet. I admire those who translate their passions into the work they produce and the lives they hold. GreenHawks Media is the first space where I was able to cultivate that dynamic and watch it blossom. 

Voices are heard and amplified when the people behind them are bold and intentional. Our group of students is not only united by an interest in the environment, but a goal to spread their growing knowledge and distinct energy. This spirit at GreenHawks Media is evident and truly evergreen.

I believe that the publication’s mission has embedded itself in my own life’s purpose. In words, on paper, and wherever my passion for environmental sustainability takes me, I know that the impact of this experience will motivate me to bring curiosity, an eye for detail, a desire for truth and indefatigable enthusiasm to everything I do. Thanks to the unwavering support of my staff and advisors, I’ve grown immensely in this role as an environmental communicator and leader.

These past three semesters as Editor in Chief have been invigorating, challenging and just so enjoyable. GreenHawks Media represents the forefront of college environmental journalism. It is a place where all academic paths converge for students to express their common interest in understanding, protecting and supporting the environment. 

I am forever thankful to have had the opportunity to light the way for part of the publication’s journey. GreenHawks Media sets a standard for informing, inspiring and unifying students and readers. I’m eager to see what topics the publication explores, the partnerships it forges and whose lives it transforms next. 

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This is the publication’s final piece for the fall 2020 semester. Managing Editor Helena Wolenski will serve as the spring 2021 Editor in Chief.

Photo courtesy of Sofia Liszka