Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Photos from a Day at Hueston Woods

By: Annie Lalonde

If you drive just five miles northeast of Oxford, Ohio, you can find Hueston Woods State Park. You might have heard of Hueston Woods, your parents might have stayed at their lodge, or maybe this is the first you’ve heard of it. Regardless, Hueston Woods should be on your radar if you are looking for a fun outdoor activity outside of Uptown Oxford but not looking to go as far as Cincinnati. With over 3,000 acres to explore, Hueston Woods offers everything from archery to boating. I personally like to go for the sunsets on the dock. This is a place where I can step back and take a break from the stresses of school and worries of life while only being a ten minute drive away from campus. Below is a photo series I took of some of the small treasures I saw around the park, and the series also includes some pictures of activities you can engage in as well!    image4   image3   image11   image13   image1   image6   image2   image10   image5   image12  

All photos by Annie Lalonde
