Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Moon Co-Op: Farm-to-market, Environmentally Friendly Food

By: James Steed

Moon Co-Op is a local organic food market and deli that is a place for the community to purchase zero waste, green options outside of the farmer’s market. Moon works with local farmers to pull in fresh produce every week. Several farms located in Oxford and surrounding communities offer up their produce for the Co-Op. Did you miss the farmer’s market last week? No problem! P1080346.JPG Moon has you covered; they sell produce directly from many of the same farmers you would purchase from at the farmer’s market. Sometimes the growers even drop off leftover produce from that day’s sale. They sell family-owned products ranging from BBQ to bread to mustard, all Ohio homegrown. The Co-Op even has Ohio-made Kombucha for sale.

P1080348.JPGSome produce that is currently in peak season are peppers, pawpaws and leafy greens. They have a variety of different kinds and flavors of peppers, including spice-less habaneros for those sensitive to heat. Breeders pick the less-seeded peppers and continually reproduce the ones with the fewest seeds. They have got it down to a nearly spice-less experience.  

Pawpaws are an indigenous fruit to Ohio. They possess a banana-mango, custard-like center and are very popular locally. Cincinnati’s ownUrban Artifacts, a brewing company, even has a brand of pawpaw beer in season for sale at Moon Co-Op. In addition to peppers, pawpaws and fresh suds, leafy greens such as kale and spinach are coming into peak season this fall and will make a great smoothie to help fight off back-to-school woes as well as seasonal allergies.

P1080352.JPGThe benefit of buying local and organic foods is really helpful to the environment.  Purchasing locally helps undermine various environmental issues, especially greenhouse gas emissions, that are products of long distance shipping and producing. “Rather than import produce from Mexico or have it shipped from California, we have produce from down the street, Kombucha from [interstate] 275 that I pick up myself on my way to the store,” said Kyle, a seasoned manager at Moon.

P1080351.JPGEvents this year for Moon Co-op will include the Harvest Moon Festival this Saturday, Sept. 22, located in Uptown Park from noon to 4 p.m. They even have a great opportunity lined up for next year already. Thursday, Feb. 14 through Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019 Moon will be included at the 40th annual OEFFA Conference in Dayton, OH. OEFFA is Ohio’s largest sustainable food and farm conference. For more information on the Moon Co-Op, you can stop by the store located at 512 S. Locust right here in Oxford, OH or visit them online at!