Miami University Associated Student Government (ASG) elected 7 new cabinet members in their meeting on April 17, rounding out their cabinet seats for 2018-2019.
Junior Charles Kennick was elected as the secretary for off-campus affairs. Kennick is a public administration and anthropology major. This year on ASG, Kennick served as a 5th district off-campus senator. Earlier this month, Kennick ran as a vice-presidential candidate in the student body president election.
Kennick ran against junior James Gale. Gale is an economics and urban and regional planning major and served on ASG this year as a 1st district off-campus senator.Gale was also a presidential candidate in this year's student body presidential election.
After Gale, junior Michael Zele was elected as the secretary for communications and media relations. Zele is a finance major in the Farmer School of Business (FSB). He ran against juniors Daljeet Singh Gadiwale and Gaby Meissner.
Junior Molly O'Donnell was elected as the secretary for infrastructure and sustainability. O'Donnell is a double major in public administration and statistics and served on ASG this year as a senator for the College of Arts and Science (CAS). She ran against Riley Docherty, who did not show up to the elections on Tuesday.
Next, junior Annika Fowler was re-elected as the secretary for academic affairs. Fowler is a double major in finance and political science and ran unopposed.
Sophomore Tatum Andres was elected as speaker pro tempore. Andres is a political science major and served in ASG this year as a district 5 on-campus senator. She ran against junior Kelleigh Beatty and sophomores Zoe Douglas and Craig Beuerlein.
Junior Nick Froehlich was elected as the parliamentarian. As parliamentarian, Froehlich will serve as an advisor to student government regarding parliamentary procedure. Froehlich is a Western major and served on ASG this year a 7th district off-campus senator. He ran unopposed.
Junior Madeline Zinkl was elected as the chief of staff. Zinkl is a political science and accountancy major and served on ASG this year as the secretary of finance. Zinkl ran unopposed.
Tuesday's elections rounded out the cabinet seats for the 2018-2019 school year.