Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Peace, Love, Passion: Local third graders advocate against white supremacy

Kramer Elementary students want to put an end to white supremacy, and they have a plan.

As assistant news editor Ceili Doyle reported last month, third-graders Noel, Oliver and Paul spoke at a Not In Our Town (NIOT) interest meeting last month. NIOT, which was nationally established in 1995 and introduced to Oxford last fall, is a movement that aims "to stop hate, address bullying and build safe, inclusive communities for all," according to its website.

The elementary students' own website,, which they've set up as part of their initiative to bring about social change, shares the same message against white nationalism. Noel, whose father immigrated from Cuba, said at the meeting that he first heard of the phenomenon on the radio, and that he "didn't want [it] to happen to anyone else."

Support their efforts by visiting their website and taking their surveys.
