Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

ASG releases letter concerning racial incidents

Miami University Associated Student Government (ASG) released a letter regarding the rekindled controversy over racial comments by a student at Miami.

In the fall semester, first year Thomas Wright was found using a slur to refer to black students in a GroupMe message. Last week, a tweet of a screenshot went viral, showing Wright bragging about the incident on the dating app Tinder.

ASG's letter, titled "Miami Students: we are at a crossroads" was sent via email to all Miami students on Wednesday night.

Signed by Student Body President Maggie Callaghan, Student Body Vice President Luke Elfreich and Secretary for Diversity and Inclusion Courtney Rose, the letter was approved on behalf of all of ASG Student Senate and ASG Student Court at the ASG meeting on Tuesday, Mar. 27.

Additionally at the ASG meeting, the results from a poll regarding the single-door policy at Miami residence halls were presented. The poll showed that Miami students disapproved of the policy. A bill to take the data to administration was approved.

Furthermore, ASG approved support for the Oxford City Council's levy to seek funding for the Oxford Area Trails. The Oxford Area Trails are a proposed paved path around the city of Oxford.

  • Senator Michael Meleka announced that an effort to increase compensation for RAs was denied.
  • Senator Daljeet Singh Gadiwale announced that It's On Us Week will be the week of April 9.
