Our favorite time of year is just around the corner: finals. We're finishing up the last chapters of class, we're almost ready to turn in our lab keys and we're trading all the notes we can to make finals a little less stressful. Don't get me wrong, we need a little bit of stress in our lives; it teaches us to cope and function under pressure.
Was being stressed out making me depressed? Prying myself out of bed, I'd mope all the way to the gym where I'd pick up some weights and sweat out all my problems. And no matter how sad, mad, stressed-out and bothered I felt walking into those gym doors, things didn't seem that bad leaving.
We can do anything, but we can't do everything, and that is easily forgotten when it seems like everything is asked of us every day. Instead of drowning in the water of stress, swim in it. Start moving. Our bodies need exercise and our minds need continuous self-love.
Hate running on a track? Go lift some weights. Hate lifting? Go take a yoga class Uptown or in the Rec. Find some moments in your hectic everyday schedule and breathe. Love your body and mind, and the stress of school won't seem as bad.
Eating healthy and taking care of your body shouldn't be a chore. It should be something you want to do. Take a break from filling your body with pizza and alcohol and try replacing it with smoothies and well-balanced meals.
We live with a work hard, play hard mentality here on campus, but that doesn't just have to apply to school work and frat parties. Grind out the class assignments and then go for a hike or a swim, or play basketball or baseball.
There are a ton of different workouts and outlets for you and your inner fit-spiration. Run, jog, hip-hop, whatever it is, do it. Get up and get moving. You'll feel weird at first, but everyone does. I felt like such a loser when I walked into a gym; it's normal.
We're running to the finish line of the year and it's going to get stressful. Schedule out your weeks. Know what is coming, know what is due and plan time for yourself. Get active and get moving. Being healthy is about loving yourself and your body. It's about making the choices you need to make to live a long, healthy life.
Hiding in bed from the oncoming problems of a finishing semester isn't healthy or loving yourself.
Grab your best friend and get outside. Get moving. Taking a break from the never-ending cycle of work will help ease your mind and allow you take a step back from the impending doom and breathe.