Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Fire destroyed MU students' house

A fire destroyed a home in Oxford last week on Wednesday, March 22. Since the fire occurred over spring break, the residents -- all Miami students who were renting the property -- were not home at the time and no one was injured, but the fire left the home a total loss, officials said.

The Oxford Fire Department responded to the fire around 2:30 a.m., and the fire was put out in about an hour. No other homes were damaged, but some cars parked on the street nearby were damaged.

The fire appeared to have started at the rear of the house, but the cause of the fire will go down as undetermined, said Oxford Fire Chief John Detherage. Though the room where the fire started was determined and a likely cause identified, it cannot be proved he said, though it does not look to be suspicious.

The building was heavily involved in the fire when officials arrived, Detherage said, and footage from a nearby security camera confirmed that the fire had been well under way before the fire department was notified.

The estimated damage totaled just over $300,000.

Junior Zach Peterson, a resident of the home, created a page through Fundly, an online crowdfunding platform, seeking donations. The fire destroyed all of the residents' possessions, including their personal items and clothing, according to the page.

"We quite literally have nothing left as a result of this fire, and appreciate any support you are willing to give, be that prayer-oriented, monetary or thought-oriented," the page reads.

Donations to the students can be made through their page, "115 N Bishop Memorial Fund"
