Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Green Tip of the Week!

Green It Yourself! How YOU can make your RedHawk life a little Greener.

By Evan Martinsek

Tip of the week: Cut back on your kitchen waste! Here are five simple ways:

  1. Get rid of those disposablestea-towels-1424776_960_720Substitute disposable items for their reusable counterparts. Use reusable rags/ dishtowels instead of paper towels. Or instead of using Ziplock bags, pack your lunch in reusable Tupperware.
  2. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store4527744948_f9a8a5452c_zAccording to, 500 billion to one trillion bags are consumed annually, many of which end up in our landfills or the ocean. Make an effort to remind yourself to grab your reusable bags before you head to the store!
  3. Use your leftovers in new recipes to prevent wasting food.salad-791891_960_720 It's pretty easy these days to search for recipes that contain certain ingredients. Take the time to search for a recipe that uses your leftover foods so they don't end up going to waste!
  4. Shop at Farmer's Markets!findlay-farmers-market Besides the obvious reasons (purchasing food that didn't travel thousands of miles and release large quantities of CO2 to reach your plate, supporting local farmers, purchasing organic foods), farmer's markets will often take back the egg cartons or crates they used in packaging your food.
  5. Buy your food in bulk42136283_5c87b9c5d1_z Buying your food in bulk reduces the amount of packaging waste you produce. Plus, buying in bulk can usually save you a few dollars. Do this with other kitchen items too, like dish soap!
Come back next week for more tips on how to get Green!  
