Position: Middle and long distance
Year: Junior
Hometown: Brookfield,Wis.
How long have you been running track?
Ever since eighth grade. When I was a kid I played everything, including soccer and basketball, before dropping everything to focus on running.
What's your funniest Miami track experience?
Last season, we were running on a cross-country course, and there was a girl tanning topless on the side. We were all pretty surprised, and we definitely shared a few laughs over that.
If you could spend one day with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Pope Francis. I think he's a very interesting leader and figure.
Who is your funniest teammate?
I have to go with the tag team of Matt Bromley and Zac Thompson. When they start feeding off of each other, something hilarious usually happens.
Do you have any pre-meet or pre-race rituals?
I've had a bunch over the years, but now I stick to drinking sleepy time decaffeinated tea the night before, eating jellybeans the morning of the race and then throwing up those jellybeans right before the race.
If you were stranded on an island, which teammate or coach would you want with you?
Zach McBride. He's a hard worker, and I think I could trust him in survival situations.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
The Swiss Alps are what come to mind first. I'm a big skier, and I've always wanted to go.
What's something most people don't know about you?
I'm an Eagle Scout, and I don't think very many people know that about me.
If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
Definitely flight. When you're always on your feet, it would be so nice to be able to fly right into class or to just fly home if I wanted to.
What's your favorite NFL team?
I'm from Wisconsin, and I'm a big Packers fan. With Jordy coming back next season, I think we'll be dangerous.