Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Study abroad program not simply spring break trip

By Richard Averbach

To the editor:

I would like to make a clarification about the article titled "Miami musicians bring classical music to India" that appeared in The Miami Student of Friday, April 1, 2016.

Thank you for disseminating information about the recent trip of Miami students to India. It is important for the Miami community to learn about the outstanding projects that are undertaken within our campus.

We are deeply thankful to Srini's hospitality, generosity and his central role in organizing many activities in such a distant country.

I need to bring to your attention that this was not a spring break trip to allow a few Miami students to launch Global Rhythms in India. Your article detracts from the central nature of this project - a Faculty-led study abroad program under Global Initiatives that crowned the celebration of the centennial of the Miami University Symphony Orchestra, which was not mentioned in the article.

While I wish more orchestra members could have been included in this program, its cost did not allow. The perception of spontaneity on the part of the students is in fact the result of careful planning, daily work, meticulous preparation and the silent performance of a number of people, including Miami staff and faculty working daily for several months in the background - and a few sleepless nights. This is what allowed, for example, two orchestras from distant countries to combine for a concert with only two rehearsals.

We are delighted that our centennial trip allowed Global Rhythms to emerge in India. The Miami University Symphony Orchestra is proud to have sent some of its representatives - including its President, Marla Gigliotti, and me - to bring classical music to another country. We are also especially grateful to Srinivas Krishnan and all of our hosts who received us with open arms. They are too many to be included in such a short text.

The transformative element of this workshop certainly demonstrates the commitment of Miami's academic study abroad programs, which are supported at all levels - from the classroom to a student organization within ASG, the Department of Music, the College of Creative Arts, the Division of Student Affairs through its Parents and Family Programs and Global Initiatives.
