Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Good deed from fraternity shows Greek life is not all alcohol and hazing


It is often easy for Oxford community members like myself to focus on the negatives of Greek life. News of fraternity suspensions, hazing, alcohol abuse and worse makes me sometimes wonder if the system has any relevance or value.

But on April 25, six men from Delta Chi volunteered to remove honeysuckle from a historic church site south of Oxford, and I saw first hand a positive representation of Greek life.

Anyone who has ever attempted to rid a wood of this invasive species knows how hard it is, but the Delta Chi volunteers worked side by side MetroParks staff members and volunteers from the Indian Creek Pioneer Church citizens restoration committee.

All of us involved in Indian Creek Church thank them for their outstanding effort. And I am reminded once again that many of Miami's fraternities and sororities make significant contributions through their philanthropy and service efforts.

Holly Wissing
