In the wake of a terrible tragedy, Audrey and The Miami Student have managed to cause further pain and suffering to those who knew and loved Tim Fresch. As a friend of Tim, I can say the article is not an accurate reflection of who he was, and it is not how he will be remembered by those closest to him.
This article was used as an opportunity for you to pass judgment on a person you knew nothing about, an opportunity to express your opinion on Miami's "drinking culture." This was not a tribute, but rather a poorly written editorial.
Looking at one aspect or experience of someone's life cannot depict a person as a whole. You took other people's stories and quotes out of context, using their expressions of grief to cast a negative shadow over a good person.
I won't dignify you or your article with the same hate or negativity, but I'll leave you with this: I hope that if you ever experience something similar people will treat you with more kindness and compassion.
Grace Healy