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Willeke Lecture Series: Dr. Gabriel Filippelli

By Alison Treen

This Thursday, Miami welcomes a prominent lecturer to campus as part of its Drs. Gene and Carol Willeke Frontiers in Environmental Science Distinguished Lecture series.

Dr. Gabriel Filippelli, Professor of Earth Studies and Director of Center for Urban Health at Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis, will be giving the lecture “Limitless? Exploring the Boundaries of Human Sustainability on Earth.”It will be held in 152 Shideler Hall from 7-9 pm.

Dr. Filippelli earned his B.S. in Geology from UC Davis and his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from UC Santa Cruz. He has published countless articles with a focus on geochemistry, paleoclimatology/paleoceanography, and sedimentology. He currently focuses his research on geochemistry and its connection with the geological record of climate change. He has studied nutrient cycling in the ocean and on land, with a focus on its chemical and geological components.

On Friday following the seminar, Dr. Filippelli will join Dr. Jonathan Levy, Miami’s own associate professor and Director of the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability, for a special interdepartmental seminar for geology and IES students. This seminar will have the theme “Urban Geochemistry and Human Health: New Approaches to Old Problems.”Refreshments will be provided at this seminar at 4pm, 001 Shideler Hall.