Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

New Harry Potter script to be released July 31

By Liam Mazeika, For The Miami Student

Harry Potter fans are feeling something they haven't felt for a long time - excitement for a new installment in the influential fantasy series.

The book, "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," is actually a play in London, but the script for the play will be released simultaneously as a hardcover all around the world on July 31.

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," the official continuation of the Harry Potter series, won't be written by the original author, J. K. Rowling, but by experienced playwright, Jack Thorne. Rowling, however, is still helping with the production of the play.

"I didn't think we would get an addition to the Harry Potter story," said assistant professor of psychology Elizabeth Kiel. "I'm very excited that we will."

Kiel teaches a class on Harry Potter at Miami University, the Psychology of Harry Potter. It focuses mainly on the developmental aspect of Harry Potter and how students can use what they've learned from the books when teaching or counseling younger children.

Despite being a fan of Harry Potter, Kiel didn't start reading the series until the children she was counseling brought it to her attention.

"I was working with kids and started the series so that I could relate to what they were reading and just fell in love with it myself," Kiel said.

Kiel has read all of the books, seen all of the movies and is plan

Beasts and Where to Find Them" next winter.

Most fans, like first-year Katlyn Smee, won't get to see the play.

"I wish I could go see the play," Smee said. "But I don't exactly have the means to make it to London right now."

She will, instead, buy the hardcover.

"I think I am [going to buy the book] once it's out."

Despite not being released until July, the book is already a No. 1 bestseller on Amazon through preorders.

In preparation for the new play, Smee will be watching all the films again.

Another excited Miami student, first-year Darshini Parthasarathy, is also getting prepared, but slightly differently.

"I probably won't watch the films again, but I will be reading the books," said Parthasarathy. "Maybe not the first three, but definitely the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh."

The sixth book was Parthasarathy's favorite.

Parthasararathy said she has also already preordered the hard cover, but some part of her isn't looking forward to it.

"The seventh book ended on such a high note … a happily ever after. It makes me nervous about reading it."

That won't stop her ... "It's still Harry Potter."
