Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Two-minute drill: Kent Kern

Position: Linebacker

Year: Senior

Hometown: Toledo, Ohio

How long have you been playing?

For as long as I can remember. Started playing flag football, and then tackle in third grade. I played quarterback my sophomore year of high school, then I moved to running back and played running back and linebacker my junior and senior year.

If you could spend a day with anyone, who would it be?

Probably Brian Urlacher, so I could learn some of his secrets. Give me some tips on how to play better at linebacker.

Who is your funniest teammate?

Heath Harding, for sure.

Do you have any pregame rituals?

I have my five or six songs that I listen to before every game. A little Rage Against the Machine, Five Finger Death Punch, nothing that normal people would probably be listening to.

If you could have a superpower, which would you choose?

See, I already have super strength, so I'm gonna need super speed because I'm not that fast.

What's something people don't know about you?

I'm pretty nerdy. I'm big into Star Wars, Harry Potter and all that.

Who's your favorite character?

In Star Wars, it's gotta be Han Solo.
