Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

League of Women Voters of Oxford behind Stanton Bonham House status


On behalf of the League of Women Voters of Oxford, I thank you for covering our event on Monday, Nov. 9, the dedication of the Ohio Historical Marker for the Stanton Bonham House. We very much appreciate the attention you gave to the program and the front-page placement of your fine article.

There is a lack of specificity, however, in the second paragraph that states, "This weekend, the house was granted historical status in Ohio after officials applied for the designation in April." Readers might wonder, "Who were those "officials'?" They were a committee comprised of members of the League of Women Voters of Oxford.

The marker results from that committee's persistent work and the League's support. We would like your readers to know this.

The League of Women Voters was founded in 1920 when women were finally granted the constitutional right to vote. It is a non-partisan, national, grass- roots organization that promotes voter registration and citizen participation in our democracy.

The Oxford chapter counts Miami students, staff and faculty among its members, along with men and women from the Oxford area. Because Elizabeth Cady Stanton launched the organized movement for votes for women in the 19th century, the Stanton Bonham House helps us tell her story and carry on her legacy.

Toni Saldivar

Director of Communications and Publicity, League of Woman Voters of Oxford
