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New Environmental/Sustainability Courses Offered for Fall 2015

Miami University is offering brand new courses related to the environment and sustainability for the upcoming fall semester. The courses are JRN350: Reporting on the Environment and Science, JRN429 and JRN529: Environmental Communication, and AMS/IES306: The Anthropocene.

JRN350: Reporting on the Environment and Science (section A)

Clinical journalism professor Annie-Laurie Blaire will be teaching section A of JRN350: Specialized Journalism. Students in this course will be producing multimedia stories about “green” topics. Some of the topics that students may create stories about for this course are gasoline dependence, recycling, and the impact of chemicals on the human body. This course is open to students in any major.

For more information about JRN350, contact Annie-Laurie Blair:

JRN429 and JRN529: Environmental Communication

Dr. Michele Simmons, a professor with the Professional Writing Program at Miami will be teaching JRN429 and JRN529 in the fall. In this course, students will produce environmental texts, visuals and interactive media for business, government, and nonprofit use. These texts will be persuasive.

For more information about JRN429 or JRN529, contact Dr. Michele Simmons:


AMS/IES306: Introduction to the Anthropocene

This interdisciplinary course about the Anthropocene will be taught by a 2014-2015 Altman Fellow, Peggy Shaffer. The inspiration for this course came from the work done by this year’s Altman Student Fellows on the Anthropocene (also known as the Age of Humans). One of the goals of AMS/IES306 is to raise students’ environmental literacy.

“The Anthropocene is a proposed epic in earth’s geological history that recognizes humans as a determining factor in earth’s life-sustaining systems,” Shaffer said.

During the duration of this course, students will explore topics that demonstrate the connections between humans and science—between culture and nature. Possible topics are water use, sustainability, and loss of biodiversity.

The course description states:

“Students will explore the way the Anthropocene is framed in politics and policy; how it is presented in popular discourse and public debate; and how it has been represented through film, fiction, and imagery.”

For more information about AMS/IES306, contact Dr. Peggy Shaffer:

JRN 350 Environmental Journalism Fall 2015 poster (1)