I tend to think of my stuff the same way Alton Brown views his Kitchen. “The only uni-tasker I allow in my Kitchen is a fire extinguisher!” I’m a very practical person when it all comes down to it, and I’m pretty good at talking myself out of buying frivolities. Not to say I lead a Spartan existence, which means there is some fat that could be trimmed. So without further ado, here are my 10 things I could not live without.
- A paper and pen. Yes I’m counting them as one thing, a pen without paper is a sad pen indeed.
- Long sleeved shirts. Are you hot? Roll up the sleeves. Getting cold? Roll them back down.
- Jeans. Jeans are just wonderful things.
- Fleece Blanket. Keeps you warm when you need it.
- Multitool. I don’t know how many times my multitool got me out of a jam.
- Bookbag. Great for putting things in like books, pen, paper, groceries, multitools….
- A hair brush for obvious frizzy tangle-ly reasons.
- Tooth brush and Toothpaste. Got to keep my pearly whites, pearly white.
- A good book to kill time and spiders.
- My hat. Because a good wool hat is just a necessity.