By Eric Kettinger
As someone who grew up in a conservative Catholic household, I find it appalling that ignorant and close-minded individuals object to the Oxford Walmart carrying halal meat because it somehow "forces Islam down their throats." Really? How exactly does a piece of meat at Walmart force you to practice Islam? I don't hear complaints by those same individuals when stores carry Christmas or Easter decorations, both of which are Christian holidays. How is that any different?
There is something seriously wrong with us when we reject toleration and acceptance of those who are different than us, whether that be race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality. All major religions urge us to love everyone, not simply those who share the same beliefs. I challenge anyone who is against this action by Walmart to get to know a Muslim.
I think you will find the vast majority are extremely virtuous and warm-hearted people who do not condemn you for your religious views but want to live in harmony. We must remember there are radical individuals in every religion, including Christianity with that whole crusades thing.
What our world needs now, perhaps more than ever, is not hatred and bigotry. What we need is peace, acceptance, and love. Kudos to you Walmart for taking a step in the right direction.