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Money DOES Grow on Trees: 5 Environmental Scholarships

Are you an environmentally-conscious college student, and studying a major that pertains to our Earth’s environment? Are you in need of some extra money? If you said yes to both these questions, keep up the good work, and keep reading this article!


Your actions don’t go unnoticed. Many businesses, associations, and organizations are ready to reward you for your dedication to the environment as well as your community. Lots of rewarding opportunities exist for environmental students, as well as students who just really care about being green and sustainable. Take a peek at these eco-friendly scholarships you might be eligible for:

  • Brower Youth Scholarship
Scholarship Award: Six recipients will receive a $3,000 cash prize, a professionally produced short film about their work from an Emmy Award winning film crew, and a weeklong trip to the San Francisco Bay Area.

Eligibility: Environmental leaders aged 13-22 (as of July 1, 2015) living in North America.

Due Date: 9:00 PT May 18, 2015

Application: Online at

Questions & Concerns: Email

2.) Brown and Caldwell Minority Scholarship

Scholarship Award: $5,000 to help minority groups succeed in the environmental engineering industry.

Eligibility: Individuals applying have to be a US citizen/permanent resident, a full-time student enrolled as a Junior, Senior or in a graduate program at an accredited college/university, have a declared major in civil, chemical or environmental engineering or one of the environmental sciences (e.g. biology, geology, hydrogeology, ecology), have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent on a 5.0 scale), and is a minority (e.g. African American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific American or Alaska Native).

Due Date: Deadline April 15th

Application: Online at

Questions & Concerns: Email

3.) Orchids Made Easy Scholarship

Scholarship Award: $500 for up to three (3) Awards may be granted per academic year. The scholarship is aimed to advance the study of orchids and orchid care.

Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate in the field of Botany, Horticulture, Environmental Science, Conservation, or related field, with a focus on orchids.

Due Date: Mailed and received the application by May 1st.

Application: By mail to Orchids Made Easy,

Questions & Concerns: Email (Subject: Scholarship)

4.) Do Something Award: Can Recycling

Scholarship Award: Americans only recycle half of the aluminum cans we use. The rest ends up in landfills or, worse, as litter in nature. Ugh. But aluminum is so durable, you can recycle it over and over and over. Recyclers can even turn an old can into a new can in only 60 days! IT'S MAGIC YOU GUYS. We're counting up how many cans you all collected and will announce a winner soon. $10,000 Prize

Eligibility: : Recycle at least 50 cans and you’re eligible!

Due Date: Not yet released for 2015


Questions & Concerns:

5.) Everglades Foundation

Scholarship Award: Both scholarships and fellowships provide $ 20,000 / year (PhD level) and $ 10,000 / year (MSc level) for stipends, tuition fees, travel, and other research-related expenses. The amount of money associated with the fellowship and scholarship is subject to change. This year, at least two fellowships will be awarded. The number of scholarships depends on the number and quality of applications.Eligibility: The scholarships and fellowships are open to full-time graduate research students pursuing degrees in earth sciences, biological sciences, engineering, geography, planning and resources management, and economics.

Due Date: Not yet released for 2015, Expect July 2015

Application: Email submission through

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