College students are constantly on forms of social media, wasting time constantly checking emails, updating Facebook, and tweeting to Twitter. But what if a social media site existed that students could feel good about spending time on? That is exactly what the myActions platform is all about.
MyActions is a movement to help environmental causes by simply “sharing” environmentally friendly, green actions on a special social media site - Facebook for sustainable living practices. Not only is it an awesome way to share with others across the country and at your university, but it is also philanthropic. Every time students “share” an action, $0.25 goes to a cause of their choosing. The causes include American Red Cross, World Wildlife Fund, National Parks Conservation Association, and Keep America Beautiful.
The myActions platform is incredibly user friendly. Users go to and join the Miami University group. Once you have signed in and picked a cause to contribute to, you can start sharing actions. Actions include anything from reusing a water bottle to unplugging electronics to taking the stairs to enjoying an outdoor activity.
Miami University recently received the Gold Student Actions Award. This means Miami has successfully “established a system of connected leadership to offer a myriad of interaction opportunities through programs, events and campus initiatives as paths to deliver personal and collective impact”.
Only three other universities achieved this standing, making Miami one of the leading universities for sustainable student engagement. Since starting early in the fall of 2014, Miami has done 304 actions, reducing over 1,500 pounds of CO2 and saving $350 by using sustainable practices. Students at Miami University have raised $76 so far for charities, simply by sharing their positive actions on the platform.
Just imagine how much more money we could raise, and CO2 we could reduce if more students joined myActions. If we spent the time we normally spend on just one of our many social media sites on myActions sharing positive works, we could have an incredible impact!
Miami Makes Actions Count